A Natural Cure for Varicose Veins

Bulging leg veins are ugly and can be made to disappear, along with the pain, naturally. Varicose veins occur when leg veins become enlarged, dilated, and overfilled with blood. They typically appear swollen and raised with a bluish-purple or red color and are often painful. The condition is widespread...

Money Laundering

The other night, I was at dinner with clients, now friends, after several years of buying property in Puerto Vallarta. The subject came up of money laundering. How much laundering is in the world right now. Here is some information from my research about this pervasive worldwide practice. There...

Plant-Based Diet, Part Two

Starting a new healthy eating lifestyle is never easy. Anytime my patients ask for advice on how to get started, I have them research by reading about the health benefits of eating healthier, find some recipes online that they will like, make a grocery list, start with one healthy...

Fiscal Balance

Saturday I spent hours at SAT yesterday, getting my RFC updated. I had an assistant do all the preparatory work, and I showed up to do the waiting, which is an art form in Mexico. It was only a couple of hours, but sitting quietly with dozens of others was...

A Matter of Time

Does anyone know how time works? Can we have any control over its passage? For this, we went to what some have said in the past. For example, the ancient Maya created a system of timekeeping based on astronomy that is still used today. The Maya developed a detailed...

Hope Abounds

This past weekend we almost lost our little terrier/chihuahua/something-we-can’t-quite put-our-finger-on dog, Max. Actually, we DID lose our little street rescue for a while, but he’s back now. He’s ever-so-slightly worse for wear, but right where he should be. He’s been sleepy, but to be quite honest, that’s not a...

More Power To You – Brain Power, That Is…

With time, this series of columns will give you a new sense of wonder about your power and creativity. Thanks to the power of thought, you DO have it in you - not just emotionally, but physically - to experience significant pain relief. Who knew you could be your...

Feelings of Despondency and Impotency, Part Two

In our little collective, we humans get to participate in the creation of the future we wish to experience. Therefore, ‘others’ who do not live in our dense third-dimensional, warmongering world, who see us from another perspective, are advising us not just to watch and wait. We are advised to...

Plant-Based Diet, Part One

The term "plant-based diet" is attributed to Cornell University nutritional biochemist Dr. T. Colin Campbell, who presented his diet research at the US National Institute of Health in 1980. Dr. Campbell's research about a plant-based diet extended from the China project, a decade-long study of dietary practices in rural China, giving evidence...

Christmas Traditions in a Growing Family

I had the best Christmases as a child, with all the great traditions you can imagine. Cutting down the tree in the woods (once, before my dad almost buried an ax in his own shin), shortbread, Bing Crosby’s Christmas album on the record player; we did it ALL. I...

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