Crossword: March 3, 2024

Today’s crossword focuses on articles published in Vallarta Mirror over the past week. Need a clue? View articles published over the last week.

Tuna and Sailfish, El Niño Surprise

As we enter March, we're still seeing summer season species in cold water. This is the sort of thing that happens in an El Niño year. Naturally, if you're looking at the calendar, you'd be saying, 'This shouldn't be happening.' But strangely enough, it is happening, and we're not...

Crossword: February 25, 2024

Today’s crossword focuses on articles published in Vallarta Mirror over the past week. Need a clue? View articles published over the last week.

Sudoku: February 22, 2024

Enjoy today's Sudoku game. If you enjoy games like this, let us know. If you are interested in sponsoring a game on Vallarta Mirror, contact us.

Surprisingly, Great Puerto Vallarta Fishing Continues

Every week now, I seem to be the biggest pessimist in the area. I keep thinking the fishing is going to turn and I'm sending people out 'hoping' they catch fish. Then my crews send me pictures, and I turn into an optimist. So, I give up; the fishing...

Crossword: February 18, 2024

Today’s crossword focuses on articles published in Vallarta Mirror over the past week. Need a clue? View articles published over the last week.

Late Season Dorado and Striped Marlin

It seems like we've been in the 'endless summer' as summer species like Dorado, Sailfish, Striped Marlin, and Yellowfin Tuna are still hanging around. Right now, the fishing in Puerto Vallarta is surprisingly great! The farther out you go, the better your chances to boat that fantasy fish in...

Bonus: Super Bowl Crossword

Today’s bonus crossword focuses on the Super Bowl. Play and share with your friends on Facebook.

Crossword: February 11, 2024

Today’s crossword focuses on articles published in Vallarta Mirror over the past week. Need a clue? View articles published over the last week.

Sudoku from Ryan Donner and Associates

Enjoy today's Sudoku game. If you enjoy games like this, let us know. If you are interested in sponsoring a game on Vallarta Mirror, contact us.

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