The Power of Now

Looking back on a piece I wrote many years ago, and feeling it still holds water.  Who am I, you, they, etc.? Human being, spiritual being, student, teacher, Mom, Elder, storyteller, fire builder, garden worker. Recently, I came to a space in my life that I had long waited for....

Massage: An Ancient Cultural Experience

A civilization famous for its spa culture is that of the ancient Romans, a sophisticated, essential part of their health and social interaction.  A critical element of a spa experience is massage therapy. Advise your massage therapist that you suffer from migraines. They will tailor the session, focusing on...

 St. John’s Wort 

Hypericum perforatum, commonly known as St. John's Wort, is a flowering plant in the family hyperocaceae. It is a perennial plant growing up to 1 meter tall with many yellow flowers with clearly visible black glands around the outer edges.   St. John's Wort has been used in traditional medicine since...

Yoga Increases Memory Cognizance 

Now they tell us? New research suggests that yoga and meditation can give you a flexible body and inner peace, and combining the two could help improve cognitive function. The study, led by a team of researchers from UCLA and Australia's University of Adelaide, is the first to compare yoga...

Gut-Brain Axis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) 

Modern life constantly beats up your digestion with unavoidable stresses such as pollution, chemicals, and psychological and physical stress. People have tried detox, cleanses, acupuncture, drugs, supplements, and diet changes. Over-the-counter drugs do not work because they only treat symptoms, not the root cause, and digestion problems keep returning. ...

The Eyes Have It!

Today's migraine Trigger du Jour is eye strain. The more you eliminate eye strain, the better you'll feel overall. And that's reason enough to do something about it.  An effective CEO knows how to delegate. Time for you to make things easier on your eyes and delegate as many tasks as...

Uses of the Ashwagandha Plant 

Ashwagandha is best known for its ability to reduce stress. It’s classified as an adaptogen, a substance that helps the body cope with stress. It may help control stress, including the heat shock proteins, cortisol, and stress-activated protein kinase. Published at, in a small study with 58 participants,...

Why You Should Consider a Spike Protein Detox

Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues, and organs. Spike protein may cause inflammation and clotting in any tissue it accumulates. A Japanese bio-distribution study found that vaccine particles move from the injection site to the blood, after which circulating...

Garden Therapy

This is an excerpt from an article of mine published in El Papellillo/The Leaflet, the Vallarta Botanical Garden's free online monthly newsletter.  "Exposure to a natural environment such as a botanical garden is not just a pleasant experience by refreshing the spirit and pleasing the senses; it has a proven healing...

Cinnamon Essential Oil

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several tree species from the genus Cinnamomum. It is used mainly as an aromatic condiment and flavoring additive in various cuisines, sweet and savory dishes, breakfast cereals, snack foods, bagels, teas, hot chocolate, and traditional foods. The aroma and...

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