Lemongrass Essential Oil

Cymbopogon, also known as lemongrass, is a genus of Asian, African, Australian, and tropical island plants in the grass family. Lemongrass has many uses and health benefits. Lemongrass tea is a folk remedy to help promote sleep, relieve pain, and boost immunity. Published@healthline.com, according to a study published in...

Eight Hours of Pure Escapism

... and you can indulge in it every day. While watching a neighbor wrestling with her toddler for the little one to finally go to sleep at 10 p.m., I pointed out that as children, we'll do anything to resist going to sleep, and as adults, we can hardly wait...

Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano is an evergreen plant with purple flowers and shovel-shaped, olive-green leaves. Its leaves are used as a culinary condiment, either dry or fresh, providing sensations like spicy, pleasantly bitter, and aromatic. Oregano essential oil has a variety of health benefits. Here are a few published at medicalhealthnewstoday.com:  Thanks to...

Acupuncture for Chronic Pain

I recently saw a bunch of my friends at a lovely cocktail party in Marina Vallarta. These families or individuals came to Puerto Vallarta looking for something, love, money, whatever.  We built careers, marriages, and businesses and watched our kids grow up together. I noticed prevalent physical pain in...

On This Exam, 1% Is a Passing Grade!

Since the world of the migraine sufferer can easily be described as wonky, why would Migraine Math be any different?! Elementary school math taught me that 8% + 4% + 5% = 17%. Well, yes, probably any non-migraine suffering mathematician would agree that sum is correct. This is one...

Rosemary: More Than Just a Pretty Face

Rosemary is an aromatic Evergreen shrub with leaves similar to hemlock needles. It is native to the Mediterranean region but can grow in cool climates. It can withstand droughts, surviving a severe lack of water for lengthy periods. It is considered a potentially invasive species, and its seeds are...

MazMix Digestive Formula Sustains Gut Health

Let's break down the key components of MaxMix: Ingredients:-Moringa: Known for its antioxidant properties and potential digestive benefits.-Organic chia: Rich in fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. -Vitamins, including vitamin C: Essential for overall health. -Blue agave inulin: A prebiotic that nourishes beneficial gut bacteria. -Essential amino acids: Building blocks for...

Cleaning out the Closet and Other Stuff

One of my 'friends' dropped in a few days ago as she had time to kill while waiting for another friend to finish shopping in a nearby commercial center. The 'friend' is one of those who show up at the moment with a highly dramatized plea for an item...

Almost Slipped Through the Cracks

If someone you care for came to you complaining of repeated severe headaches, I'm sure you wouldn't tell them to suck it up and be content with over-the-counter meds. You would tell them to seek professional help. Aren't you worth your own best advice? One of my life's goals...

Auriculotherapy or Ear Seeds

Auriculotherapy, more commonly known as ear seeds, is based on the idea that the ear is a microsystem and an external organ that reflects the entire body.  Conditions affecting a patient's physical, mental or emotional health are treated by stimulation of the surface of the ear exclusively. Several modalities...

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