Who Are We – Really?

Hafiz, a Persian Sufi Master and Poet, was born and died roughly around the same timeline as the great English poet Geoffrey Chaucer.  Hafiz dedicated one of his books of poetry, The Gift,   "To God in his magnificent masquerade – as us."  To me, this one line said it all.  It...

Letter to My Past Self on Mother’s Day

A letter to myself, on my first Mother’s Day nineteen years ago: Oh honey, the bags under your eyes - I want to tell you that’s temporary, because I love it when you smile. Unfortunately, those bags will never quite leave you. You’ll get a little extra sleep from time to time, like...

We Can Weave From Common Threads…

... a world of strength and beauty. By Chiara Montante There seems to be no end to the differences that separate us as cultures, societies, races, religions, communities, politics, genders, generations, or status. Celebrating our differences in today's rare, unchallenging, or cheerful moments seems improbable, but it is still possible....

The Heart of Springtime 

Spring is a beautiful season – the time of rebirth, renewal and revival! I can’t tell you which I love more – the birds chirping, the red tree buds turning leafy green, or the ground breaking as hyacinths, daffodils and tulips begin their journey to Grace. We can all take a lesson from...

Memories of Beltane – May Day 

By Chiara Montante Today is Beltane. May Day. The official day to celebrate life, love, hope, and fertility. The natural impulse at this time of the year when seeds are planted in the rich moist soil of the earth (and bodies!) must have been the impetus for the ancient adage: HOPE Springs...

Ordinary Days in Paradise

When people find out that I live in Puerto Vallarta, they often exclaim over the fun and excitement I must experience every day. I’m almost afraid to tell them that our versions of “excitement in Puerto Vallarta” probably vary a little. Or a lot.  The name “Puerto Vallarta” invariably...

Empathy, Compassion, Respect, and Honor

I wish to speak with you today about empathy, compassion, respect, and honor. These are all virtues and, as such, are aspects of ourselves. When we have empathy, it's not like sympathy such that we just feel sorry for someone or pity them, empathy has to do with a desire on our...

Parental Doubt

Moms and dads, do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and spend the next forty-five minutes to five hours making a list in your head of all the ways your parenting is sub-par? I have made that list so many times it writes itself: I don't...

Guilt is an Ego Strategist

Guilt can destroy you and destabilize you only if you give it power. You are this being of power. Your power, directed by love, has no limits. You even have the power to deny the existence of love. Obviously, this negation lasts only as long as the illusion. You...

The Fireflies are Here

Last night, for the first time in all the years I've lived on this farm, I saw fireflies already in the trees. In April. I never knew they came this early. Only one, then another, then not another. I thought it was a star through the clouds but it was a firefly rising.  Then...

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