Feelings of Despondency and Impotency, Part Two

In our little collective, we humans get to participate in the creation of the future we wish to experience. Therefore, ‘others’ who do not live in our dense third-dimensional, warmongering world, who see us from another perspective, are advising us not just to watch and wait. We are advised to...

Christmas Traditions in a Growing Family

I had the best Christmases as a child, with all the great traditions you can imagine. Cutting down the tree in the woods (once, before my dad almost buried an ax in his own shin), shortbread, Bing Crosby’s Christmas album on the record player; we did it ALL. I...

Remembering Allyna Vineberg, Creator and Editor of the PV Mirror

With a heavy heart, we share the news that Allyna Vineberg, the creator and longtime editor of the PV Mirror, has passed. Her contributions to the Puerto Vallarta art and gastronomic communities have been countless. The PV Mirror was always a labor of love for Allyna. At first, it...

The Value of Volunteering

As snowbirds settle in for winter in lovely Puerto Vallarta, what fulfills the days more than lending a hand? There is so much need and many opportunities for volunteering in Vallarta. I have been a grandmother to a teenage boy through Vallarta Abuelos, a deeply rewarding experience. I remain...

Calle Santa Barbara Town Hall Set for December 7

You are cordially invited to a special town hall meeting organized by the Amapas Neighborhood Association and hosted by Sayan Beach Condominiums. The meeting will take place on Thursday, December 7th at 9:30 a.m. During the event, we will discuss the history of the unfortunate incident that led to the closure of Santa Barbara Street, a major...

Feelings of Despondency and Impotency

We are all watching and waiting to see what happens next in the Middle East. It has been dominating our thoughts but very few are talking about it. There was also fear around the possibility of other countries engaging and creating a potential world war. Feelings of despondency and...

1982: Los Balcones, Vallarta’s First Gay Bar, Makes its Debut

This article originally appeared on Out & About PV. In 1982, a young lesbian named Vicky Macedo made history. She converted her family home, where she had been raised at Juarez 182, Centro,  into the first openly gay bar in Puerto Vallarta.  Her beloved father had died some years before, and her mother...

Parenting While Sick

I vividly remember being sick as a parent with young children. I think the experience must be like army boot camp. You stumble through the day, muddy and exhausted, with body parts aching, but there’s no rest. And that’s because a drill sergeant is shrieking in your face making...

Cuale Spay and Neuter Clinic Needs Help!

The new leader of Cuale Clinic seeks donors; all donations MATCHED to 15 December If you want something done, ask a busy person. Volunteers already known for their reliableefforts supporting Puerto Vallarta animal welfare charities are natural choices to continue the work of the Cuale Spay and Neuter Clinic...

Celebrate Thanksgiving at Vallarta Botanical Gardens

Visiting the Vallarta Botanical Garden is a great way for families to spend quality time together, something that’s especially important on holidays. On Thursday, November 23, the Garden will be serving a Traditional Thanksgiving Feast, complemented by live music, from 12:00 until 5:00 pm – for just $49.95 USD per...

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