DMSO, Part Two

Last week, I wrote about DMSO and how the FDA will only allow DMSO to be used to treat interstitial cystitis.

Dr. Stanley Jacob spent much of his medical career studying the health benefits of DMSO, and he has multiple documents and studies showing that DMSO has a lot of medical benefits.

The pharmaceutical companies could not get a patent on DMSO; without one, they cannot make a lot of money from DMSO. Today, I’m going to write about the health benefits of DMSO.

Since the early 1960s, DMSO’s pharmacological actions and efficiency have been documented in hundreds of laboratory studies.

According to Dr. Stanley Jacob, DMSO holds promise in treating the following conditions:

  • Alzheimer’s Disease: DMSO has been shown to dissolve amyloids, the proteins that occur in the hallmark brain lesions of patients with Alzheimer’s, and almost invariably lead to the functional loss and eventual death of brain cells.
  • Arthritis: With its ability to penetrate tissues, DMSO shows value in reducing pain and inflammation in osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and possibly gout.
  • Atherosclerosis: In laboratory animals, DMSO has demonstrated its ability to stop the development of atherosclerosis induced by dietary cholesterol and suppress the accumulation of cholesterol in tissues despite severe hypercholesterolemia (elevated blood levels of cholesterol.)
  • Down’s Syndrome: Researchers have noted that when children born with Down’s syndrome are treated with DMSO, mental and neurological functions improve in several areas.
  • Drug Extravasation Injury: When chemotherapy drugs exude into surrounding tissues, the effects are highly damaging; DMSO application significantly improved anthracycline associated extravasation tissue injury in a study conducted by Stephen B Sternum, MD, a member of Life Extension Foundation Scientific Advisory Board.
  • Fibromyalgia: According to Dr. Jacob, 70% of fibromyalgia patients he treated with DMSO for several years experienced benefits with no side effects. He believes these effects were due to pharmacological actions of DMSO, such as free radical scavenging, analgesia, anti-inflammation, softening of scar tissue, reduction of muscle spasms, and healing stimulation.
  • Herpes: DMSO has been used to enhance penetration of alpha interferon ointment in treating herpes.
  • Interstitial Cystitis: DMSO in the urinary bladder is an FDA-approved palliative treatment for this chronic inflammatory condition.
  • Malignancy: Researchers conclude DMSO exerts a significant survival advantage in gastric cancer.
  • Spinal Cord Injury: Data shows that if DMSO was given intravenously within the first 45 to 60 minutes of injury, the number of laboratory animals that recover was much higher than those not receiving DMSO. Dr. Jacob says this is an area he would like to pursue, noting, “If we have 10,000 severe spinal cord injuries per year in the U.S., quadriplegic and paraplegic, there would be fewer patients who would need long-term care.”
  • Stroke: DMSO combined with sugar that fuels energy production was well-tolerated in elderly stroke patients and could be of benefit in reducing neurological disability after stroke.

For more information, please visit Dr. Jacob’s website.

I use DMSO every week in my practice and have had positive results with all my patients. I know the FDA has not approved or studied DMSO because of financial conflicts. Do your own research for yourself and make an informed decision if DMSO treatment is right for you.


  • Dr. Irving Ramírez

    Dr. Irving Ramirez-Alvia, Naturopath, was born in Tepic, Nayarit, in 1992. After obtaining a degree in health and nutrition, Dr. Irving finished medical school and moved to Vallarta. His newly-opened office is at Lord Twigg’s Hotel and Boutique, Francisco Villa #424, Colonia Lazaro Cardenas; his online store features all-natural, homeopathic products and remedies. For an appointment with Dr. Irving in Puerto Vallarta or at FEDA Nutricion and Fitness, Calle Jacarandas 86, in Bucerias, or if you are interested in purchasing Dr. Irving’s CBD oil (5000mg or 10,000mg) without THC, please contact Loren Hayes on WhatsApp at 322-167-7570.

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