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Missing Halloween

A couple of weeks ago, I took a bit of a breather from life to have minor surgery. Two weeks later, I am feeling much better (unless you count the complete loss of core strength that comes with bed rest). Unfortunately, that meant that I wasn’t able to enjoy...

‘Coco by The Palm’ Debuts November 14th

Celebrating 25 years of delivering fabulous entertainment, The Palm Cabaret & Bar is thrilled to open their second location, Coco by The Palm, on November 14th.  Only a 5-minute walk from The Palm,  Coco is located in the heart of Zona Romantica and will double the amazing show options...

Are We Here or Are We Not?

My sister posed an interesting question the other evening when I was expounding on the reality of Quantum Physics, which we are slowly beginning to understand, and its implications on how we see life around us in this moment of our current 'now.'  I am sure she is tired of...

Big Fickle Marlin and Super Abundant Bait

As we continue moving deeper into the best time of the year to be fishing in Puerto Vallarta, we're seeing Marlin and Sailfish numbers increasing. Yellowfin Tuna are running around the "Rock" at Corbetena. Dorado are also picking up in size and number. This all may sound perfect, but we...

Life Goes On

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, October 26 - November 01 Monday Every time you see the words "Chris Lopez Production," buy tickets to whatever it is, knowing whatever you are about to see will be outstanding. Chris's magic is written all over the latest, greatest Tribute to Rihanna that opened...

El Dia De Los Muertos

By John DrakeThe bright heat hisses on a Mexican dayColors of yellow, and blue and redSing to me on the Day of the DeadMothers and fathers and sisters and brothersGone into the groundNot forgotten, young lovers. Drugs and booze had taken many awayOr murder an illness- the body decay.Skeletons walk...

Witchcraft Is Alive and Well in Mexico!

And probably a lot closer than you think. Being a part of a large extended Mexican family, one finds it quite normal to consider a visit to the local witch (Brujo) as part of a healing system, which is considered necessary and as accepted as a trip to the doctor's...

Celebrate Tradition and Community at the Isla de los Muertos Festival

Join the celebration of life, culture, and togetherness at the 3rd Annual Isla de los Muertos Festival on Friday, November 1st, from 4:00 to 10:00 p.m. With Casa Karma proudly serving as the presenting sponsor, this family-friendly event, offers a vibrant experience of Mexican traditions surrounding Día de los...

TV Lies Versus Cell Phone Ease

I recently read a thought-provoking article on what is evidently now being called “No-contact families.” What surprised me was how increasingly common it’s evidently becoming…. And that surprise led me to a deeper disappointment about present-day humans. Growing up watching The Cleavers, The Brady’s, even The Partridge Family….. my home...

Migraine Triggers – Foods

Foods: some of the more well-known offenders on the migraine food trigger list are: chocolate, nuts, cheese, cured meats, refined sugar, and sugar substitutes. There are more - the migraine sufferers can keep a food diary of what they ate and drank prior to an attack, compare it to their migraine diary,...

What Is Going on Today With Populism?

"You may have noticed that there's a tremendous upsurge in what is called populism. It's actually a kind of tribalism where one person appeals to what many others would like. To understand why this is so popular, it's valuable to discuss some of the ideas that a very famous psychiatrist, Carl...

Yellowfin Tuna and Black Marlin at Corbetena, Yee Haw!

What a difference a week can make fishing Puerto Vallarta's Bay of Banderas! Last week, I thought there really wasn't any reason why we were not seeing larger Marlin and Yellowfin Tuna, then BAM, they show up! Those lucky enough to be in Puerto Vallarta, fishing right now, will be...

Ofrendas Central to Day of the Dead Celebrations

Dia de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is an important celebration in Mexico. It is a social and religious ritual with a parade and all-night candlelight vigils at the graves of family members in local cemeteries. The whole occasion is festive, and everyone talks of the dead as...

Tango Meets Bolero

Recap: Good Morning From Here, October 19 - 25 Monday This'll be a two-cup column with two reviews, Freddie Mercury and Madonna; two birthdays, Jordon Carnegie and Bri Bott; and two Musical Directors, Salvatore Rodriguez with vocals by Sargento and David Duvall and his very own jazzy voice. Freddie Mercury -...

Preconstruction Projects in the Bay of Banderas

For close to ten years or more, a major part of our inventory to sell has been preconstruction. This construction has been in Jalisco, mainly in the city of Puerto Vallarta. In Nayarit there are preconstruction condo projects stretching from Nuevo Vallarta (now recognized as Nayarit) going up the coast...

I Am Become ‘Sam’

Yesterday, I finally accomplished something I've been wanting to accomplish for many years: I watched all three LORD OF THE RINGS movies in succession on the same day. It was, indeed, wonderful to experience the entire story in one sitting – but it's also the first time I've seen...

Migraine Triggers – Noise

Noise - from music to jackhammers - all sounds are a painful addition to the sufferer's pounding headache. Usually, a migraine sufferer needs a soundless room to begin to recover. (Noise is sound that your body perceives as unpleasant, unhealthy.) Stimulation of any kind of sound to the inflamed nerves in your skull...

Parents and Hobbies

I ask my kindergarten students’ parents on the Meet the Teacher day at the beginning of the year if they have any hobbies. I ask this question because sometimes parents have a hobby that might somehow relate to a topic we are covering in class, such as baking or...

Love Is in You

Everything you see is shaped by your beliefs, beliefs inherited from your upbringing and the collective unconscious. Today, it's important to understand the energies that circulate within you. Energy is basically neutral; you give it a color based on your beliefs. Sexual energy, for example, has a profound spiritual power that...

A Country Full of Obsessions

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, October 12 - 18 Monday Boys on Fire, headed by Sebastian Coronel, have created "Buenos Aires - A Tango Murder Mystery" that is inventive, gorgeously intense to watch, and might be the Sleeper of the Season. The pace is fast and seductive, with the three couples...