Mango Smoothies with Figaro

Good Morning, From Here Recapped: November 18-24, 2023


I had mango smoothies yesterday with Selena Luna, who has written a terrific article about two local performers I have fallen in love with. Look for “Couple of Clowns” and enjoy.

La Catrina Cantina was hopping last night with birthday parties, regulars dancing, eating and singing along with “Remake” and singer Victor Do Espirito.

The Brew Fest runs all weekend in Parque Hidalgo for beer fans, and vendors for Three Hens and a Rooster Market are setting up as we speak on the Isla Cuale.

Patrice and I are trying some Korean barbeque this aft at Dae Gee, the old El Torito location in Zona Romantica. A full report tomorrow.

Tonight, the best of Lady Gaga, “Born This Way,” starts at 9:30 at The Palm Cabaret. Look for us and say hi!


The best-laid plans get made, then – BAM! – something, a cold, overtakes my sister, Patrice; everything goes sideways, and Patrice goes to bed for 24 hours and sleeps nearly the entire time.

I postponed dinner at Dae Gee, seeing Maru Prado Conti as Lady Gaga to next week, and found I had time to run some overdue errands. Look what I found on the beach while crossing over the mouth of the Rio Cuale on the pedestrian bridge!

I stopped at Three Hens and a Rooster Market and, on the other side of the Isla, chatted for a bit with the Artisan Bakery guys at the Cuale Island Artisan Weekend Market, which is open every Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 3 pm.

Have a glorious Sunday, From Here.


Good morning, From Here, and it’s nearly noon on Mexico’s Revolution Day. Viva! That’s what happens when I stay home taking care of my sister instead of wandering around town at night. Patrice is on the mend; came to the gym this morning and is eating, so all is well. Thanks to those of you who asked after her.

This afternoon, we are off to Casa Karma and a fundraiser for La Escuelita. A full report in the morning.

Tomorrow is, of course, the tianguis in Coapinole, so go early to get the best stuff. “The Availables” play tribute to The Beatles at Act2PV tomorrow at 5 pm. Look for us, From Here!


One of the loveliest evenings I have ever spent at Casa Karma unfolded last night under threatening skies that added to the photo ops and didn’t rain on anybody’s parade.

Chris Amo put together a seamless entertainment program that included mariachi, a guitarist and a dazzling folkloric dancer with silent auctions and delicious food to celebrate the Mexican Revolution and benefit La Escuelita.

I was overjoyed to hug dear Janice Gonzalez again and to catch up with Kevin Simpson of Peyote People. Super Volunteer and erstwhile Scrabble player Dale Bouayadi joined Patrice and me for the delightful evening at Casa Karma.

Tomorrow is Marathon Wednesday with 1 pm Scrabble at Qulture; Purr Project bingo, 4 pm at Nacho Daddy; Ladies of Rock, 7:30 pm at Act2PV and Temptation, 9:30 at The Palm. Find us and say hello for hugs From Here.


Good morning, From Here! It’s raining! Not hard, but still. So odd.

Patrice and I were at the tianguis in Coapinole by 8:45 Tuesday morning and spent a couple of hours perusing piles of clothes and veggies that were likely in the ground earlier in the day.

Yesterday afternoon, Patrice and I went to Act2PV to listen to “The Availables” pay tribute to The Beatles; I love the 5 pm time slot!

This Mexican quartet was decked out in suits, as was the norm for groups in the early sixties, and considering not one of the musicians was even born when the Beatles broke up in April 1970, they did a wonderful homage to one of the most influential groups in music history.

It occurred to me that “The Availables” could take this tribute further and produce shows by albums – Revolver, the White Album (two shows!), etc.; they certainly have the talent.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day for our American expats and tourists. Have a happy one! My sister and I will be at Rafael Velazquez’s “Figaro” Opening Night at Casa Karma’s Red Room at Act2PV at 8 pm. Join us for some dreamy opera From Here!


Good morning, From Here. Sharon Gerber and I were the only players at Qulture for Scrabble; we managed three games and more than a week’s worth of chatter to try and catch up on our hectic lives.

I joined Patrice at Nacho Daddy for the Season Opener of Purr Project Bingo. That means every Wednesday at 4 pm, there is a fundraiser for the animals. Alternate Wednesdays benefit Colina Spay and Neuter Clinic. Both organizations need community support, so come and play, have fun, eat, drink, win lovely prizes, and help save some dogs and cats.

Singer Noemi Plascencia reprised “Ladies of Rock” from last season and completely wowed the audience at Casa Karma’s Red Room at Act2PV. Her confidence soared, her energy level remained high throughout the concert, her enthusiasm was contagious, and the standing ovation was well-earned. Brava Noemi! She is not getting older; she is getting better.

Patrice and I strolled across the Zona Romantica and up Olas Altas to The Palm Cabaret to watch Temptation, the latest production of Sebastian Coronel, who is also responsible for The Palm’s popular Sunday night offering, “Boys on Fire.”

Temptation is all about fantasy unfolding before your eyes with fantastic bodies, serious dance moves and audience appreciation, all set to heart-pounding music. Enjoy.

Today will be spent working on Vallarta Mirror’s website, writing and editing and getting the hang of my new, exciting job.

See you at Act2PV tonight at 9:30 for the “Figaro” opening, starring Rafael Velazquez—three cheers for opera From Here.


And good morning, From Here! Are you stuffed from turkey? Patrice and I looked at a dozen possibilities for a traditional dinner. We decided to give thanks to one of our favorite restos in Vallarta and eat the food that provides us traditionally with the most joy: Il Pesce, the quiet Sicilian-inspired tiny restaurant on Constitucion. The Funghi e Trufa was, as it always is, perfect. We were (are) thankful!

From Il Pesce, we made our way to Act2PV, and had barely sat down when the impromptu reunion began: Georgia Darheshori with friend Joe in hand, Selena Luna, Marsha Ward Ross, Rob Burton, Jan Dorland, Sharon Gerber Scherer and Crist Thomas all created some seating havoc in Mary Ann’s Melody Bar as we hugged one another and moved around more chairs.

Rafael Velazquez and the promise of operatic classics were why we gathered at Casa Karma’s Red Room. It was Rafa’s first show dedicated to singing arias. His showmanship and delicious baritone particularly shone in his now signature piece, “Figaro” from Rossini’s Barber of Seville. One more chance to see this show on December 07 at 9:30.

Patrice went shopping at Casa Ley earlier this week and came home exclaiming the store was eerily quiet and the produce section so pristine she took a photograph. See for yourselves the perfection in veggies!

The Sister and I head north to the Marina and the American School tonight to see “Lend Me a Tenor,” brought to you by Teatro Sin Borders. A full report in the morning From Here.


  • Marcia Blondin

    I am a Canadian expat who has lived in Vallarta for over 30 years. Becoming the editor of Vallarta Mirror is a dream come true, spending my days extolling the virtues of the city I love. An environmentalist in my lifestyle, artistic endeavors, the clothes I wear and the love I share.

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