Remembering Allyna Vineberg, Creator and Editor of the PV Mirror

With a heavy heart, we share the news that Allyna Vineberg, the creator and longtime editor of the PV Mirror, has passed. Her contributions to the Puerto Vallarta art and gastronomic communities have been countless.

The PV Mirror was always a labor of love for Allyna. At first, it lost money, and for years, it barely broke even. It was about helping and supporting entrepreneurs and art, beauty and culture.

It was about making the difference for a wonderful new eatery getting the attention it needed to survive and ultimately thrive. Or a new gallery. Or a creative startup that desperately needed help finding their market.

Allyna was a pillar in the Jewish community and worked at creating and nurturing what was initially a relatively small network of people. She helped organize events and get togethers.

In recent years she cared deeply for the Chabad organization and what it meant to the community here. 

Please kindly respect the privacy of her family at this time.

Any and all donations to community causes and/or charities of your choice in her name would be wonderful.

From the Editor…

I will miss our lunches at Vitea and our dinners at Trio. Hours of intimate conversation, sometimes reflective, but mainly shared loudly with laughter.

One day at Vitea, I wondered out loud to her, “Why are we, you and me, here? Here, in Puerto Vallarta, and not Los Angeles or Bali, or back in Canada.” She said she didn’t have a clue but gestured with a fork full of salad that we were warm and well-fed.

She DID have a clue and had been pursuing the ‘clue’ for years in the PV Mirror.

It was Service. To the city she loved with a passion. And Service to the people like her who chose to live here and those who would come on vacation and need a source of information.

Rest in Peace, my Romanian, French-Canadian, and Mexican amiga. Your legacy of Service will live on.

Marcia Blondin, Editor, Vallarta Mirror


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