Shine in the Spotlight with Vallarta Calendar

This article originally appeared in Out & About PV and is reprinted with permission. Do you light up the stage in Puerto Vallarta? Are you a musician who captivates audiences, a performer who leaves them breathless, or a creative soul who brings joy with your unique talents? Vallarta Calendar wants to showcase YOU.  Kevin Feltner,...

Yuen Method – Immediate Results Using Intuition 

Before starting this topic, I must plead guilty because, in 2018, I began using this technique. However, due to many other occupations and turns within my professional plane, I had to dedicate myself to other tools and approaches within my profession regarding natural medicine.  The first months of 2018 were...

From the Head to the Heart

"There is something available to you right now. You may not believe it is available to you because everything else in your life you have to work for, and you have to earn, and you have to learn, and you have to practice, and you have to achieve mastery...

Coconut History and Folklore

Who hasn’t had coconut in some form or another? Here in Mexico, it is part of the regular diet. During the 16th century, Pacific coconuts were introduced to Mexico from the Spanish East Indies via ships from the Philippines. Sometimes, the coconuts could be found lying on the beach, having endured the long ocean...

It’s Summer in Puerto Vallarta!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, August 10 - 16 Monday This morning, a gorgeous pale blue sky after some inches of rain fell last night. The day and week seem full of promise; let's see what happens. Mango smoothies are always the right choice these days, in the peak of season,...

Suddenly Marlin and Sailfish at Corbetena

After several weeks of the same boring information, we finally have something to talk about! With the tropical storms finally showing up, fish are moving, pushed would be more accurate, into the area. Now, I'm not saying everything flipped overnight, but when you're finally boating Marlin and Sailfish, you know...

Restricted Zones: Paying Taxes in Mexico

Mexico welcomes foreign investment in its real estate market. There are no restrictions on foreigners owning and investing in property here. To uphold the constitution of the country, foreigners will need to become primary beneficiaries within a trust held by a Mexican bank. The Mexican Constitution prohibits foreign nationals from...

Gloria Fiona Presents A Night at Casita

You're invited to an unforgettable evening of magic, music, and gourmet dining at Casita & Garden, a wine and sake restaurant.  Imagine a night where your soul is serenaded with wonderful music by Gloria Fiona on vocals and the incredible maestro Jacob Odoñez Rodriguez on the guitar. On Saturday, August...

Migraine Triggers – Smells (Part 1 of 2)

Smells, be they perfume or odors, and smoke, is an experience that your nervous system, already on edge and overstimulated from the migraine condition, may perceive as an unwelcome stimulant. If your sense of smell is overly sensitive, anything that causes it to react will be unwelcome, good or...

Microdoses, Origins and Mechanisms of Action Still Unknown 

With time and in these years after the great health emergency that we have had since 2020, many “new” therapies have appeared before our eyes, offering alternatives or solutions to different conditions that previously only had a few therapeutic options and with very little margin of success.  On this occasion,...

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