Here’s my alternative to the musical South Pacific’s hit song by Oscar Hammerstein II and Richard Rodgers: “I’m gonna wash that migraine outta my hair.”
Your brain and body are not light switches that you can turn on and off instantly. Try cultivating a calm routine before you go to bed. Even better, make it a therapeutic opportunity from head to toe.
Try a Little Decadence!
Migraines – or any chronic pain – leave your nerves constantly weakened from overstimulation, drained and depleted. Hydrotherapy is an art practiced by ancient societies. Roman baths were a famous and essential part of their culture.
Turn your nighttime bath or shower into a private, focused personal spa. Are family and friends wondering what to gift you? Here’s a solution – the price range fits any budget: brushes, soaps, shampoos, oils, skin softeners, bath salts, bubble bath, bathrobes, towels, loofah mitt, sound/music system, manicure, pedicure and oral hygiene tools.
Perfumes and strong smells are potential migraine attack triggers, so begin with brands with no perfume. See how you tolerate natural fresh or dried herbal products such as chamomile, mint, vanilla, or oatmeal.
Luxuriating in a regular bath routine combines massage, acupuncture, shiatsu, hydro, and herbal therapy. The simplest of habits, practiced repeatedly, can have a powerful effect. Each beneficial element plays against the other to enhance the whole.
What happens during a Japanese tea ceremony? After the guest shows up, the host prepares carefully chosen elements for a relaxing experience. Introduce your own bath ceremony! Prepare all the items ahead of time, within easy reach, draw your bath water, and sink into relaxation.
Use every bath tool in your kit and work each in turn. You are now training your body to relax and rewarding it with well-being. It becomes quite addictive – that’s what you want: if you are rewarded for an activity, aren’t you more likely to repeat the experience?
The shower spray, especially directed at your face, the nape of your neck, and upper shoulders, stimulates acupuncture or shiatsu points. Allow a steady shower spray to work the acupuncture points on the meridians for a few minutes. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and slowly to absorb the effects more profoundly.
You are conditioning your body to relax, giving your nervous system some much-needed coddling to lower its activity to a less frenzied state. In doing so, you become more able to withstand pain, strengthening your immune system.
Even More Reason for You to Smile
Do you rush through two minutes of oral hygiene? The expression ‘brush your teeth’ needs to be updated to ‘brush your mouth.’ The goal is to remove food particles that promote bacterial growth. Use a soft bristle brush on the inside of your mouth. The surface of the tongue is not a smooth surface: it’s like velvet, with thread-like structures called papillae that trap tiny food particles.

Rinsing alone isn’t going to rid those tiny spaces of food particles – but brushing with a brush containing toothpaste foam will. After brushing and flossing thoroughly like that, far fewer bits of food will be left to stick to your teeth and promote decay for hours until the next brushing.
Remember your gums – not only does gentle brushing or massaging with special tools for that purpose remove food and drink molecules, but gum massage is beneficial to good oral health. Don’t just believe me – ask the professionals for their opinion – check with your dentist.
During This Gift-Giving Season, Give the Gift of Pain Relief
I’ve written a book containing countless personal experiences, suggestions, tips, insights, and strategies to support you and your licensed medical doctor – a ‘how to’ of getting rid of migraine pain: Introduction to How I Got Rid of Migraines – a 4th Generation Sufferer’s Journey to a Cure.
If I can succeed, so can you or your loved one. I’ve ‘been there, done that,’ and successfully beyond my hopes and dreams – I wanted pain relief from just today’s migraine.
I found relief for over three decades – so far! From being a 4th known generation of suffering excruciatingly painful migraines, contrary to my previous relatives’ experience who suffered to menopause or beyond, I’ve been 100% migraine pain-free since my young adulthood.
The book, in English and Spanish, costs USD 29.50 (plus shipping) or 500 Mexican pesos. Available only by emailing me or see below.
How I Got Rid of Migraines: A free talk on how I have been living 100% pain-free for over three decades, followed by a Q+A session.
Date: Thursday, December 28, 2023
Time: 11 a.m.
Duration: about 90 minutes
Location: Vallarta Botanical Garden office, Ignacio L. Vallarta 399-Local A, Zona Romántica, Emiliano Zapata, Puerto Vallarta (corner Basilio Badillo Street)
I will autograph copies of my book with 100% of the profits to the Vallarta Botanical Garden.