Oh Yes, It’s Ladies Night

Lady Luck is not on women's side when it comes to migraines - two-thirds of migraine sufferers are women. A woman's menstrual cycle is one of the major migraine triggers. Today, we're going to ease the finger off that trigger. If you're the type of person who gives and...

You Need A Hero In Your Corner

Your migraine condition took years to reach the pinnacle of an attack. The same goes for miracles: far from always being instantaneous life-changing events, they, too, can take time to develop fully. Discouragement and despair will con you into believing the lie that this pain is insurmountable, even incurable....

A 2-Week Vacation – in 25 Minutes!

You've worked hard for the past few weeks, implementing every one of my proven suggestions (!) on how to find pain relief - so it's time for a break. When I first introduced this 25-minute practice to a gentleman, after trying it out, he exclaimed, "I feel like I've...

Put It On Your List

Without a doubt, a migraine lowers your IQ by several dozen points (Exceptions are the extraordinary people for whom pain is a motivator!). Repeated migraines act like a meat tenderizer to your head - it seems when the current migraine begins, it's worse than the last! With a brain at...

Washing Pain Down the Drain

Here's my alternative to the musical South Pacific's hit song by Oscar Hammerstein II and Richard Rodgers: "I'm gonna wash that migraine outta my hair." Your brain and body are not light switches that you can turn on and off instantly. Try cultivating a calm routine before you go...

Food For Thought

It's all in the timing. Bob Hope After stuffing ourselves a few days ago, I'm sure that this week, many will welcome tips on lightening their eating habits. How can diet be curbed or eliminated as a migraine headache trigger? Acupuncture and shiatsu teach us that the energy channel most closely...

More Power To You – Brain Power, That Is…

With time, this series of columns will give you a new sense of wonder about your power and creativity. Thanks to the power of thought, you DO have it in you - not just emotionally, but physically - to experience significant pain relief. Who knew you could be your...

Take A Deep Breath

What a pleasure are the ocean waves coming up to the shore. Waves of pain from a migraine are the exact opposite: repeated, powerful or overpowering - you catch your breath from the shock. Migraines hurt so much that you forget to breathe. Being deprived of oxygen is the...

Make Every Day a Spa Day!

The word “migraine” is composed of two halves - Latin “hemi” - half and “crania” - skull. Most migraines show up as pain from mild to severe affecting half the head. Migraines are a very old, even prehistoric affliction: even before the ancient Greeks recognized and described migraine symptoms...

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