Natural Ways to Help Declining Vision

Vision decline affects everyone, but it does not mean it is normal or healthy. Here is how the eyes should work: Light comes in through our lens Projects the image onto the inside back of our eyes (the retina) Images travel along the optic nerve to our brain The lens flexes and adjusts to focus...

Holiday Time, Family Time. Happy Time?

How is everyone doing now that the holiday season is upon us? There are various ways the upcoming holidays are impacting each of you. Some may be spending it away from family by choice or circumstance, and some may be enthusiastically preparing to celebrate and gather with family and...

Beware of Taking too Many Health Supplements

I had a patient once; she was in her mid-twenties, health-conscious, and very intelligent regarding her health. But she couldn't figure out why she was sick all the time. In her consultation, she began telling me about all the health supplements she was taking. Some of them were recommended...

Food For Thought

It's all in the timing. Bob Hope After stuffing ourselves a few days ago, I'm sure that this week, many will welcome tips on lightening their eating habits. How can diet be curbed or eliminated as a migraine headache trigger? Acupuncture and shiatsu teach us that the energy channel most closely...

A Natural Cure for Varicose Veins

Bulging leg veins are ugly and can be made to disappear, along with the pain, naturally. Varicose veins occur when leg veins become enlarged, dilated, and overfilled with blood. They typically appear swollen and raised with a bluish-purple or red color and are often painful. The condition is widespread...

Plant-Based Diet, Part Two

Starting a new healthy eating lifestyle is never easy. Anytime my patients ask for advice on how to get started, I have them research by reading about the health benefits of eating healthier, find some recipes online that they will like, make a grocery list, start with one healthy...

What is Lewy Body Dementia?

In 2015, Lewy Body Dementia–a disease that long stood in the shadows of Alzheimer’s disease–found itself in the national spotlight when actor Robin Williams was reported to have had the disease (after autopsy). He never knew he had it. Symptoms of Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) are as numerous as...

More Power To You – Brain Power, That Is…

With time, this series of columns will give you a new sense of wonder about your power and creativity. Thanks to the power of thought, you DO have it in you - not just emotionally, but physically - to experience significant pain relief. Who knew you could be your...

Plant-Based Diet, Part One

The term "plant-based diet" is attributed to Cornell University nutritional biochemist Dr. T. Colin Campbell, who presented his diet research at the US National Institute of Health in 1980. Dr. Campbell's research about a plant-based diet extended from the China project, a decade-long study of dietary practices in rural China, giving evidence...

Take A Deep Breath

What a pleasure are the ocean waves coming up to the shore. Waves of pain from a migraine are the exact opposite: repeated, powerful or overpowering - you catch your breath from the shock. Migraines hurt so much that you forget to breathe. Being deprived of oxygen is the...

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