Where quality of life for seniors is paramount, Pacific Home stands out as a retirement home that not only provides a place to live, but a unique experience focused on the well-being, comfort and safety of its residents.
Founded by Dr. Alejandro Rosales, a professional committed to geriatric care, this...
Caffeine is a migraine on/off switch. It can be such an essential factor in helping some migraine sufferers deal with their pain that it is a main ingredient in certain pharmaceutical prescriptions against migraines.
For some unlucky migraine sufferers, caffeine can be a vital migraine headache trigger.
What logic lies behind...
Sexual intercourse, either engaging in or lack thereof. (Migraines will teach you moderation, whether you like it or not!)
This is potentially a more complex trigger to deal with since it involves another human being's health needs as well.
What further complicates the matter - as is the case with some...
I had a lady walk in this morning with Bell palsy-type symptoms, which the M.D. diagnosed as the result of an ear infection on the left side of her face. After a quick history and look, we discovered she has emotional body inference with depression and negative internal dialog....
Exercise - very rigorous, causing the blood to rush to the head or couch potato level, which causes a sufferer's immune system to deteriorate - either extreme is probably not the best for the migraine condition.
Tempted to believe that the endorphins, the "runner's high," the extreme exercisers' rush of...
Day by day, we have seen how our society has changed, starting from food, our lifestyle, our sleep habits, and also our behavior due to the appearance of different ailments that before the year 2020 were uncommon but nevertheless were already present, but in a sporadic and isolated way....
Food additives - these are probably what a standup comic meant when he discussed reading ingredient labels on food packaging and stated, "I'll never eat what I can't pronounce or spell."
To get the best nutrition out of what you eat and drink, it's worth educating yourself.
According to the Oxford Languages...
And probably a lot closer than you think.
Being a part of a large extended Mexican family, one finds it quite normal to consider a visit to the local witch (Brujo) as part of a healing system, which is considered necessary and as accepted as a trip to the doctor's...
Foods: some of the more well-known offenders on the migraine food trigger list are: chocolate, nuts, cheese, cured meats, refined sugar, and sugar substitutes.
There are more - the migraine sufferers can keep a food diary of what they ate and drank prior to an attack, compare it to their migraine diary,...
Noise - from music to jackhammers - all sounds are a painful addition to the sufferer's pounding headache. Usually, a migraine sufferer needs a soundless room to begin to recover.
(Noise is sound that your body perceives as unpleasant, unhealthy.)
Stimulation of any kind of sound to the inflamed nerves in your skull...