Tai Chi – Slow Down to Speed up Pain Relief

Tai chi is a Chinese martial art that uses slow and deliberate movements to promote physical and mental health. It is now practiced worldwide.  Thanks to a range of slow to quickly-executed routines and its meditative component, it develops and improves range of motion, strength, posture, flexibility, conditioning, and breathing.  Suitable...

Vitamin B 17 or Amygdalin

Cancer is one of the chronic diseases that represents the greatest morbidity and mortality in the population worldwide. Despite the existence of multiple conventional treatments with a certain degree of proven effectiveness, an increase in the trend of preference for alternative therapies by cancer patients has been reported. One...

Disclaimer: I Am a Nag – NOT a Doctor

I never went to medical school. What I am is a very lucky migraine patient who was properly diagnosed by a licensed, competent medical doctor. I sometimes quip that once you know what ailment you are dealing with, there is a long list of medical "How To…" procedures to pick...

Vitamin C and Its Benefits When Administered Intravenously

Vitamin C, also known as L-ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. Unlike most mammals and other animals, humans cannot synthesize vitamin C and obtain it from the diet.  Functions of Vitamin C  Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) is a potent reducing agent, easily donating electrons to recipient molecules. In relation to...

Food Is Mood

What you eat and drink can be mood-altering. One easy way to demonstrate the connection is to remember what happens to normally lively children with steady emotions after the various holiday periods and Hallowe'en: the sudden intake of more sugary treats causes them to become noticeably more excitable. It...

Glutathione and Its Benefits When Applied Intravenously 

Glutathione is an essential antioxidant and the main endogenous antioxidant the body produces from 3 amino acids (glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine), which play a crucial role in the protection and proper functioning of cells. Some of the benefits of Glutathione include:  Detoxification: Glutathione is critical for detoxification (it...

Healing the Microbiome (Gut) Naturally

The human microbiome is a complex internal ecosystem of microbes/bacteria located within the digestive system that we commonly call the gut. The word "microbiome" is actually two words: "micro," meaning small and "biome" is a habitat of living things. The human microbiome consists of 100 trillion symbiotic microbial cells buried...

Here Comes the Cavalry Over the Hill

You're in excruciating pain; all you want is relief as quickly and as effortlessly as possible. Here comes the cavalry over the hill - the pharmaceutical industry with its magical miniature solutions. Let's agree that pharmaceutical firms' primary goal is to cure humankind's diseases. For that, they have a right...

Biooxygenation or Peroxidation Therapy 

This type of treatment seeks to stimulate the production of oxygen within the body directly or indirectly; we have different forms, some are intravenous, and some can use other routes of administration, for example:  Hyperbaric chamber oxygen therapy Zone therapy: which is a mixture of oxygen and ozone, and is generally used to strengthen...

Exercise Made Irresistible!

The migraine condition will take over your timetable. It's nearly impossible to keep a regular schedule because the pain from a migraine can be so debilitating that you barely have enough strength to take to your bed for an attack that lasts a few hours, a day, or a...

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