Cool Water, Dirty Water, Spinners and Tuna

After writing articles for the last twenty-something years, I have to say the conditions we're looking at now are far from ordinary. With relatively cool water temperatures, strange currents, strange wind patterns and even stranger fishing, nothing is predictable right now. We should be moving into a summer fishing...

Trusts in the Restricted Zone

The opportunity for foreigners to enjoy the beautiful ocean and beaches in Mexico allowed this country to benefit in a big way. In the 1970s and 80s, Mexican leaders were looking to acquire more foreign direct investment to pay for infrastructure and economic development in the country.  One way...

Migraine Triggers

Suffering from so many migraine triggers, I joked that for me, life itself was a migraine trigger. That is, until I discovered and adopted all kinds of pain-busting lifestyle changes.  Here is a list of some of the more common triggers. Each trigger will be explored further in its own...

Mushrooms and Their Importance for Health

This kingdom is probably the least known compared to the Animal and Plant kingdoms; however, the Fungi kingdom includes a wide variety of living species, commonly known as fungi. They share some common characteristics and others more specific to the species or subgroup to which they belong. With complex...

On Being Here Now

The situation on earth right now presents an exquisite irony. With the evolution taking place on the planet, everyone wants to be here 'now.' So many souls are desiring an experience that's only available on this planet. And, they very much want to be here, right  'now.' The irony is that when they get...

Give Yourself a Daily Dose of Sunshine!  

The recent full moon in Capricorn signaled that our inner journey to reclaim our Power has come full circle, and we have reached a plateau.  Plateaus always offer rest and respite from a journey. For now, under the auspices of Cancer, we're quietly asked to move into self-love, appreciation and nurturing...

Happy Birthday, Baby!

She is 18 today, which not only means she is officially an adult, but also that I am the mother of two adults and no children. It means that there will be no more self-pep talks in the bathroom about how they are only little once, and I need...

Be Still and Know

It wasn't that long ago that scientists were able to have breakthroughs in the study of the brain. More and more data was being collected and understanding was derived about how the brain functions. As it turned out, there were two camps that had been around for a long...

Psilocybe Mushrooms or Holy Children

As many of us know, Mexico has an extensive culture beyond just food, arts, dance, or the different dialects or languages that, in addition to Spanish, are still spoken.  This issue occurs in one of the most emblematic, controversial states, with margins of poverty and one of the greatest...

The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow!

Recap: Good Morning, From Here, June 15 - 21 Monday A gentle rain is falling, and the grey skies are soft and unthreatening; it is a good morning to go back to bed and indulge in another hour's rest. The temptation... My beautiful kitty, Bogie, has been with me for...

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