Who Are We – Really?

Hafiz, a Persian Sufi Master and Poet, was born and died roughly around the same timeline as the great English poet Geoffrey Chaucer.  Hafiz dedicated one of his books of poetry, The Gift,   "To God in his magnificent masquerade – as us."  To me, this one line said it all.  It...

Empathy, Compassion, Respect, and Honor

I wish to speak with you today about empathy, compassion, respect, and honor. These are all virtues and, as such, are aspects of ourselves. When we have empathy, it's not like sympathy such that we just feel sorry for someone or pity them, empathy has to do with a desire on our...

Guilt is an Ego Strategist

Guilt can destroy you and destabilize you only if you give it power. You are this being of power. Your power, directed by love, has no limits. You even have the power to deny the existence of love. Obviously, this negation lasts only as long as the illusion. You...

It Is Time to Ask for Help

Once you accept that you are here on this planet and you have an identity separate from other people, there is a natural progression from the joy of being taken care of and nurtured to the development of the ego, in which case, the care and the nurturing you...

Existential Anxiety

There is a very well-known expression called "The Elephant in the Room." It's more humorously referred to as "The rotting rhinoceros head on the coffee table." But the meaning is really the same. And that is, "What is the big thing that no one is mentioning but everyone knows is...

Who Would I Be in the ‘Now?’

I have spent the last week working on the concept of having, or being in a relationship and remaining in the 'now.' This is not a simple concept because we depend on our story, what happened in the past, our expectations of the future, where we are from, our...

Let Your Heart Be Your Guide

As you go through your day, it's wonderful to start off by being still. The day will begin, and there's a kind of quiet in the morning where you can be present to the rising sun. And if you can step outside simply to be in the presence of...

Responding Versus Reacting

As you go through your day, in your interactions with people, notice two aspects of yourself. When given the opportunity to speak, there is a part of you that will speak quickly. When given the opportunity to react, that part will react quickly. That is not really you. That...

Where Do You Actually Live? Where Do You Actually Reside?

There has been a lot of talk and thought about the state of the Earth, the state of Gaia, and the general consensus is that things probably can't continue at the pace they've been continuing without consequence. It's not hard to see that there's been a proliferation of pollution...

You Don’t Know What Your ‘Brother’ Is Here For

A famous children's fable is called 'The Ugly Duckling.' In the fable, there's one little duck that looks different and feels different from his brothers and sisters and never quite feels like he or she belongs. The other siblings also notice this and point out that there's something just...

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