Are We Communicating Yet?

Communication problems are very common whether it is between family members, friends, work colleagues, or an intimate relationship. How many times have you said “That’s not what I said” or had someone accusingly say “You are not listening”? It can be very frustrating to feel like you are being...

Vibrant Vices: My Week, November 12-16

With three (!) show dates for The Pleasant Uprising during this writing period, it's been a whirlwind week for me here in this sunny city by the sea.  I could way overshoot my word count if I even attempted to recount every stop along the road to this week's edition...

Vegan Diet, Part One

There are no distinctions or categories of veganism. Some close to being vegans, known as strict vegetarians, refrain from consuming meat, eggs, dairy products, and any other animal-derived substances. An ethical vegan is someone who not only excludes animal products from their diet but also tries to avoid using...

Couple of Clowns

Tromba Vetusta is truly something special. Ale Matus and Dabit Azofeifa from Costa Rica are far more than a clown couple; they form a dynamic duo forged from the various elements under the theatrical sun: circus, music, storytelling, dance, puppetry, prop-comedy, and opera. They bring their joyous circus show,...

From Here: November 14-17

Welcome to the first episode of From Here in our new format. It will be written every day, then the accumulation of a week's-worth of ramblings will be collected, encapsulated, and released in one long column every Friday. In my first week of editor-ship, Vallarta Mirror lost a couple of advertisers and...

From the Editor: November 17, 2023

Good morning, on yet another weird-weather day in Vallarta. Issue #2 as Editor and a few changes/decisions have been made: PV Mirror is now Vallarta Mirror. Sandra Bradley has joined us as a columnist; read her with your heart wide open. Carla Piringer also joins us with her expertise in eliminating migraines. Vallarta Mirror...

A Day in the Life of an Awakening Mind

I asked one of my grandsons when he was still in that wonderful age of “innocence’, “Francesco, what would you do to save the world?” Without hesitation, he answered, “Grandma, I would make everyone nice to each other.” I soon discovered that to be nice was far more complex...

From Here: November 7-10

It has been an extraordinary week with my birthday celebrations running into overtime and formally becoming editor of this paper, which from here on in will be called Vallarta Mirror. I have been busy becoming older and adjusting yet another hat for my head. I am so happy! Very...

Basic Rules for Buying Preconstruction In Mexico

In September 2022, the NOM Regulation 247 became a regulation to require immediate use by developers of the consumer protection laws in Mexico. The laws had become legal years before 2022, but legislature realized they were not being followed by the developers of preconstruction condominiums and homes. For your...

Make Every Day a Spa Day!

The word “migraine” is composed of two halves - Latin “hemi” - half and “crania” - skull. Most migraines show up as pain from mild to severe affecting half the head. Migraines are a very old, even prehistoric affliction: even before the ancient Greeks recognized and described migraine symptoms...

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