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Vallarta Botanical Gardens Named Best International Garden

This month Vallarta Botanical Gardens received some very good news, starting with the Canadian Garden Tourism Council's award for "Best International Garden to Visit in 2024" at Butchart Garden, on November 3rd during the 2023 International Garden Tourism Conference in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Vallarta Botanical Gardens is also celebrating...

My Dream Week in Vallarta at the IFC

New to Vallarta? Are you a long-timer wanting a refresh? Looking for things to do? I often count on the International Friendship Club’s (IFC) activities to complete my week. Taking advantage of the IFC’s offerings, what would be my ideal week in Puerto Vallarta? I enjoy languages and am...

What is Lewy Body Dementia?

In 2015, Lewy Body Dementia–a disease that long stood in the shadows of Alzheimer’s disease–found itself in the national spotlight when actor Robin Williams was reported to have had the disease (after autopsy). He never knew he had it. Symptoms of Lewy Body Dementia (LBD) are as numerous as...

Hope Abounds

This past weekend we almost lost our little terrier/chihuahua/something-we-can’t-quite put-our-finger-on dog, Max. Actually, we DID lose our little street rescue for a while, but he’s back now. He’s ever-so-slightly worse for wear, but right where he should be. He’s been sleepy, but to be quite honest, that’s not a...

More Power To You – Brain Power, That Is…

With time, this series of columns will give you a new sense of wonder about your power and creativity. Thanks to the power of thought, you DO have it in you - not just emotionally, but physically - to experience significant pain relief. Who knew you could be your...

VIDEO: Tour Lo de Marcos with Derek Carkner

Derek Carkner of Donner and Associates provides a brief tour of Lo de Marcos, a neighborhood about 45 minutes north of the Puerto Vallarta. This fishing village of 2,500 people balloons to 3,500 in the winter.

Feelings of Despondency and Impotency, Part Two

In our little collective, we humans get to participate in the creation of the future we wish to experience. Therefore, ‘others’ who do not live in our dense third-dimensional, warmongering world, who see us from another perspective, are advising us not just to watch and wait. We are advised to...

Plant-Based Diet, Part One

The term "plant-based diet" is attributed to Cornell University nutritional biochemist Dr. T. Colin Campbell, who presented his diet research at the US National Institute of Health in 1980. Dr. Campbell's research about a plant-based diet extended from the China project, a decade-long study of dietary practices in rural China, giving evidence...

Christmas Traditions in a Growing Family

I had the best Christmases as a child, with all the great traditions you can imagine. Cutting down the tree in the woods (once, before my dad almost buried an ax in his own shin), shortbread, Bing Crosby’s Christmas album on the record player; we did it ALL. I...

Remembering Allyna Vineberg, Creator and Editor of the PV Mirror

With a heavy heart, we share the news that Allyna Vineberg, the creator and longtime editor of the PV Mirror, has passed. Her contributions to the Puerto Vallarta art and gastronomic communities have been countless. The PV Mirror was always a labor of love for Allyna. At first, it...

Seven Shows in Six Days 

Like any war story, this one has guts and glory! I committed to see seven live shows of various genres, and I had just six days to do it... and, goddamnit, I did it! And yes, I am a changed woman from the experience. Some would say changed for...

Decorating Your Casa for Christmas

The holiday season in Puerto Vallarta is a magical time filled with warmth, joy, and vibrant traditions. As you adorn your condo for Christmas, consider blending the season's spirit with the rich tapestry of Mexican culture. From traditional Mexican decorations to contemporary twists, here's a guide to infusing your...

The Bells! The Bells!

Good Morning From Here Recapped: November 25 to December 1, 2023 Saturday I imagine our tourists who landed last week in our soggy, hotter-than-blazes weather are scrambling through their suitcases, trying to find their socks and fluffy sweaters to ward off the sudden cold snap. One thing Vallarta never is -...

Red Tide, Water Temperatures Drop, Yellowfin Tuna off Corbetena

It's been a real rollercoaster kind of year. If you recall, we moved directly from a La Niña year to an El Niño year. When you go from one extreme to another, something will happen. The entire summer in Puerto Vallarta, even in an El Niño, or warm water...

The Godfather’s Gift

When The Pleasant Uprising was fomented a couple of months ago, I had an idea of the amount of work a band would be--after all, I am something of a theater kid, public-facing performances are a JOB--but I'm happy to report that I might have underestimated just how much...

The Value of Volunteering

As snowbirds settle in for winter in lovely Puerto Vallarta, what fulfills the days more than lending a hand? There is so much need and many opportunities for volunteering in Vallarta. I have been a grandmother to a teenage boy through Vallarta Abuelos, a deeply rewarding experience. I remain...

Calle Santa Barbara Town Hall Set for December 7

You are cordially invited to a special town hall meeting organized by the Amapas Neighborhood Association and hosted by Sayan Beach Condominiums. The meeting will take place on Thursday, December 7th at 9:30 a.m. During the event, we will discuss the history of the unfortunate incident that led to the closure of Santa Barbara Street, a major...

Showtime at Act2PV: December 1-7

Fabulous Friday, December 17:30 – (OPENING NIGHT) 3 Chords & the Truth – a hilarious country/comedy cabaret, featuring Canadian-born Bobbi Goddard (Party 6:30 / Show 7:30)9:30 - It’s Raining Men, a male dance revue hosted by vocalist, Ximena Esparza9:30 – (NO COVER) Disco Night in the Melody Bar, music...

Take A Deep Breath

What a pleasure are the ocean waves coming up to the shore. Waves of pain from a migraine are the exact opposite: repeated, powerful or overpowering - you catch your breath from the shock. Migraines hurt so much that you forget to breathe. Being deprived of oxygen is the...

Feelings of Despondency and Impotency

We are all watching and waiting to see what happens next in the Middle East. It has been dominating our thoughts but very few are talking about it. There was also fear around the possibility of other countries engaging and creating a potential world war. Feelings of despondency and...