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Showtime at Act2PV: December 1-7

Fabulous Friday, December 17:30 – (OPENING NIGHT) 3 Chords & the Truth – a hilarious country/comedy cabaret, featuring Canadian-born Bobbi Goddard (Party 6:30 / Show 7:30)9:30 - It’s Raining Men, a male dance revue hosted by vocalist, Ximena Esparza9:30 – (NO COVER) Disco Night in the Melody Bar, music...

Take A Deep Breath

What a pleasure are the ocean waves coming up to the shore. Waves of pain from a migraine are the exact opposite: repeated, powerful or overpowering - you catch your breath from the shock. Migraines hurt so much that you forget to breathe. Being deprived of oxygen is the...

Feelings of Despondency and Impotency

We are all watching and waiting to see what happens next in the Middle East. It has been dominating our thoughts but very few are talking about it. There was also fear around the possibility of other countries engaging and creating a potential world war. Feelings of despondency and...

Comfort: Exploring Foam Types in Upholstered Furniture

When choosing a sofa or sectional for your home in Vallarta, the type of foam used plays a crucial role in determining the comfort and durability of the furniture. Furniture manufacturers use a variety of foams, ranging from low-cost alternatives to more premium choices. Before you purchase your sofa,...

Pricing Properties to Sell; Net and Pocket Pricing Dangers

USA Net listing is illegal in many states in the USA because it represents a conflict of interest between the agent and the seller. The net listing agreement gives the agent an incentive to sell the property for as low as possible, rather than getting the best possible price for...

Vegan Diet, Part Two

Becoming vegan slowly is a great way to approach veganism. Cut down on your consumption of animal products by removing the ones you don’t like that much. Then, gradually work on swapping all animal-based ingredients and meals with plant-based alternatives. This is a great way to start healthy eating...

1982: Los Balcones, Vallarta’s First Gay Bar, Makes its Debut

This article originally appeared on Out & About PV. In 1982, a young lesbian named Vicky Macedo made history. She converted her family home, where she had been raised at Juarez 182, Centro,  into the first openly gay bar in Puerto Vallarta.  Her beloved father had died some years before, and her mother...

Dorado Still Dominant, 80 lb. Yellowfin Tuna off Corbetena

After another week of outstanding fishing, things are starting to slow down just a touch. Yes, we still have Marlin, Sailfish, Dorado, and more in our world-class fishing grounds of Puerto Vallarta. But now we have Krill, also known as "Whale food." Of course, these tiny squids and microfish...

Mango Smoothies with Figaro

Good Morning, From Here Recapped: November 18-24, 2023 SATURDAY I had mango smoothies yesterday with Selena Luna, who has written a terrific article about two local performers I have fallen in love with. Look for "Couple of Clowns" and enjoy. La Catrina Cantina was hopping last night with birthday parties, regulars dancing,...

Parenting While Sick

I vividly remember being sick as a parent with young children. I think the experience must be like army boot camp. You stumble through the day, muddy and exhausted, with body parts aching, but there’s no rest. And that’s because a drill sergeant is shrieking in your face making...

Are We Communicating Yet?

Communication problems are very common whether it is between family members, friends, work colleagues, or an intimate relationship. How many times have you said “That’s not what I said” or had someone accusingly say “You are not listening”? It can be very frustrating to feel like you are being...

Hook the Cure Reels in $480,000

The 18th annual Hook the Cure event took place in Puerto Vallarta from November 2-5, raising an impressive $480,000 (USD) net for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This brings the total amount raised since the event's inception to over $8.6 million (USD). Over 150 guests enjoyed a weekend of world-class...

Showtime at Act2PV: November 24 to December 1

Fabulous Friday, November 245:00 – (OPENING NIGHT!) The Divine Experience, a Bette Midler tribute, featuring Delilah Beaucoup (Party 4:00 / Show 5:00)9:30 - It’s Raining Men, a male dance revue hosted by vocalist, Ximena Esparza9:30 – (NO COVER!) Disco Night, music and dancing in the Melody Bar, hosted by...

Vibrant Vices: My Week, November 12-16

With three (!) show dates for The Pleasant Uprising during this writing period, it's been a whirlwind week for me here in this sunny city by the sea.  I could way overshoot my word count if I even attempted to recount every stop along the road to this week's edition...

Cuale Spay and Neuter Clinic Needs Help!

The new leader of Cuale Clinic seeks donors; all donations MATCHED to 15 December If you want something done, ask a busy person. Volunteers already known for their reliableefforts supporting Puerto Vallarta animal welfare charities are natural choices to continue the work of the Cuale Spay and Neuter Clinic...

Vegan Diet, Part One

There are no distinctions or categories of veganism. Some close to being vegans, known as strict vegetarians, refrain from consuming meat, eggs, dairy products, and any other animal-derived substances. An ethical vegan is someone who not only excludes animal products from their diet but also tries to avoid using...

Celebrate Thanksgiving at Vallarta Botanical Gardens

Visiting the Vallarta Botanical Garden is a great way for families to spend quality time together, something that’s especially important on holidays. On Thursday, November 23, the Garden will be serving a Traditional Thanksgiving Feast, complemented by live music, from 12:00 until 5:00 pm – for just $49.95 USD per...

Couple of Clowns

Tromba Vetusta is truly something special. Ale Matus and Dabit Azofeifa from Costa Rica are far more than a clown couple; they form a dynamic duo forged from the various elements under the theatrical sun: circus, music, storytelling, dance, puppetry, prop-comedy, and opera. They bring their joyous circus show,...

From Here: November 14-17

Welcome to the first episode of From Here in our new format. It will be written every day, then the accumulation of a week's-worth of ramblings will be collected, encapsulated, and released in one long column every Friday. In my first week of editor-ship, Vallarta Mirror lost a couple of advertisers and...

From the Editor: November 17, 2023

Good morning, on yet another weird-weather day in Vallarta. Issue #2 as Editor and a few changes/decisions have been made: PV Mirror is now Vallarta Mirror. Sandra Bradley has joined us as a columnist; read her with your heart wide open. Carla Piringer also joins us with her expertise in eliminating migraines. Vallarta Mirror...